
What Is This Feeling?



04-02-2014, 06:03 PM

She was wary of the lands now since that horrible earthquake, scared that at any second it would begin to move, to tear apart and swallow her up. Koi would swallow hard and shake her head, not wanting to think about that day any longer, she just wanted to get back to her usual happy self, enjoying everyday. And so she would continue on through the darkened lands, destroyed by what seemed to be a large fire some time ago.

White paws would become greyed as Koi moved through the land, amber gaze scouting the area, ears swiveling around every couple steps she made to listen for any other creatures that happened to be around or hiding in the burned vegetation. A sudden howl would make her come to a stop, head tilting as she listened to the call. The only reason she decided to head towards it was because of the tone, sad, lonely... There was no way Koi could ignore it.

So she would move quickly, going at a steady jog, keeping her eyes, ears and nose open to try and spot or follow the scent of a wolf that gave the howl. Within a couple strides she would catch the fresh scent of a wolf that had passed by no longer than a few minutes ago, the corners of Koi's lips lifting into a smile. Quickly she would move, head turning left and right, searching for the wolf. A few minutes later, target spotted. Bright gaze fell upon a dark wolf sitting in the dark earth, head low... That was them!

Slowing her pace Koi would give a small bark to let the wolf know she was coming up behind them, flashing a friendly smile and wagging her tail. "Hiya."


Awesome table by Tealeh <3