
Dance upon my reveree



04-02-2014, 08:23 PM

Every minute that passed from his escape of the treacherous ground, every minute spent lying in uselessness and healing was a moment of agony - a need to know if the ones he loved where ok. He could not bear the thought of Lyric lying in pain and torment as he had, nor Twig, already so cursed with difficulties he did not know if Twig could survive any more torment in her life. He did not want to bide his time and days sleeping, and barely days after the incident had dragged himself to unsteady paws.

He moved from his den and blinking into the cool light of the moon, where the soft wind of the night ruffled against his coat. It was quite now, which he appreciated as he made a slow path towards the bank of the wolfpaw lake, and would lower himself with a shiver into the coolness of its depths. He did not go deep enough that he had to swim, but instead kept his paws on the ground as the water rushed over him. He sighed with relief, like cool fingers caressed the pain of his bruised and crushed ribs, and he dipped his forehead in as well, so that the cool touch could brush the ugly mark he now bore there, long and red and shadowed by bruises. He ignored the cold, or revealed in its numbness as he bathed away his pains, but not his worries. How did the wolves he love fair?