
The Will of the Gods [Meeting]



04-02-2014, 08:30 PM

Dhiren was out and about, patrolling the borders and ensuring a safe home for the pack when Song's howl filled the air. He froze, right paw in midair, before it touched the ground as his whole body turned in her direction. Nothing could keep him from his mother, especially after they had made up. His lanky frame that was slowly building muscle rushed through the woods and across fallen trees to ensure his timely arrival.
In no time at all, the yearling found himself out in the open. He had broken through the nearby mangroves and was now in the presence of his family and Tankyu. Dhiren had stopped at the edge of the forest, but now calmly walked towards the small gathering. He hoped more would appear, for he missed seeing his family all in one spot. "Mama," he softly said, tones deep and rich from their baritone setting. Without hesitancy, Dhiren approached his mother and gentle nuzzled her neck. There was nothing he wouldn't do for his mother, nothing at all.
He pulled back to look at Novella and Canta, both of whom were slightly shorter than he was. A warm smile appeared for both aunt and sister, and he reached out his nose to both of them in greeting. His gaze then rested on Dutrion and he noticed that his little brother was more clingy to Song than usual. It struck him odd, but Novella asked the question of the earthquake and he couldn't help but answer. "Aunt Novella, the earth was waking up from a long nap and I guess it didn't think about the occupants until it was over." His explanation was probably not the best, but it seemed to work out in his mind. "I hope it doesn't wake up for a long time, though..." Honesty was the best answer to give and he figured it would suit him fine.


Awesome pic by Seren <3