
Heavens Gates Won't Open Up For Me


04-02-2014, 09:36 PM

The sun streamed gently upon his coat, the males eyes closing in relaxation as the serenity surrounded him. The scent of the cherry blossoms surrounded him, blocking scents of most else around him. Then again, he hadn't really expected anyone else to be out here, but it was quite a surprise when he heard a voice so familiar. His head would quickly turn to face her, golden honey amber eyes seeking out the familiar crimson and white ringed eyes of her own. Subconsciously, his tail wagged slightly as he sat straighter and ears perked forward, his gaze turning slightly excited and vibrant. "Miss Destruction! I did not expect to see you here, it is nice to see you." He greeted her happily, his heart lifting suddenly at the sight of her.

He remembered to the time they had last seen each other at the beach, they had gotten to talk for a decent amount of time before they had to part ways. He rolled his shoulders, shifting the leather pouch that rested across them. He had gotten a chance to replenish his store for future emergencies, though it had been quite a while since he had to use his stock. Lucky for him, he didn't have to worry about it just yet. He inclined his head to her, inviting her to sit with him. "How have you been?" He would inquire, though when he got a closer look, he realized something seemed off. She seemed to have acquired a scar or two on her face, something he had not seen last time they had run across each other. "What..what happened?"

"Talk here."