
I Touch Myself


04-06-2014, 02:17 AM
The memories surrounding her apple adventure were bittersweet. The rouge she had befriended she had long since forgotten. She wondered where Kodi had disappeared too. The gentle female was one of her travel companions for the longest- on her journey to Alacritis. Roman wondered what had happened to her. Shaking that thought as she licked the last traces of apple from her jaws- looking around trying to find the source of the strange scent. The other wolf was female, and not of any pack from what Roman could tell. There was an ever so slight familiarity to the scent, but she shrugged it off- assuming it was merely their shared location. At the approach of the other, she would turn- her violet eyes studying the frame of a russet woman. When the other spoke, she felt a polite smile tug at her jaws.

"You're not." She spoke strongly, going on to say "But perhaps I am?" She questioned slightly. She studied the other woman, regarding her, while waiting for a reply. Scoffing at herself mentally, she remembered that while she was a Queen, others didn't know that- she could introduce herself, but she decided that, introductions could wait until she could see if this stranger even wanted conversation.

ooc: I lost this post three times. Three. But I FINALLY got it up, because I love you.