
Tired Of Being Alone


04-03-2014, 12:15 AM

Fall had approached, and the warmth of summer would soon fade away. Sephiroth had not had a chance to really enjoy it, for there had been many things biting at his mind. A lot had happened, and he was sad to say that not much of it had been good. Save for the recent wedding of course, though there was something else gnawing at his mind...he decided to take a walk and clear his head, the still of the evening doing somewhat well to clear his head, though many worries still clouded his mind. At least the pack was left alone to themselves, unbothered by Glaciem as of late, at least, since the last challenge. Now he was doing what he could to keep the pack in order, though Erani seemed to be doing a good job of that herself. As he walked, he thought about putting together training training sessions for some of the younger wolves, after all, he had to keep them prepared for anything. He too needed to tone up again, the last fight he had been in was the war, and that seemed but a distant memory now.

It was as he was walking, he would catch a nearby scent. Following the wind, he moved along the borders of the Valhallan territory in search of the strangers scent, and soon enough would he come across it. The scent would belong to a she-wolf, her form resting upon the ground. Silver toned ears perked forward as the dual toned creature swept forward, the X shaped scar rippling underneath parted fur with each step. He approached with calm and with caution so as not to scare her, though he walked with authority as well. As a Beta of Valhalla, he would do his duty for the pack and show that they were not a weak pack to begin with, no matter who came to the borders. Bangles brushed together, creating a light metal tinkling as he stopped a few feet before her. "You are very close to Valhallan pack lands, I am Sephiroth, Beta of Valhalla." He looked her over, noting the way she held her paw to her body. Recently there had been an earthquake, had she been hurt? "You are injured?"

Sick of It by Skillet on Grooveshark