
Tired Of Being Alone



10 Years
04-03-2014, 12:43 AM

Fall had arrived, sweeping summer away from the continent. Odette was pleased to feel the horrible heat disappear, but she did miss it leaving already. Summer was her birth season, unfortunately, but she knew that with each summer that came around, she would become older. Now, she was over a year old, and her body was still growing. This explained why she was out taking on the challenges of the large hills that rose from the valley. Training was always on her mind and she intended to keep it up.
As she successfully climbed another 'mountain', she sniffed the air and felt a familiar wave wash over her. Sephiroth was nearby, possibly doing what any Beta would do: patrolling the borders and ensuring the safety of Valhalla. Curiosity was Odette's best friend and with it, she descended from the large hill before eagerly trotting towards where the large male was residing. She walked through the familiar set of woods to reach him and the distance wasn't too long for her toned legs.
After a few minutes, Odette found herself coming up on Sephiroth's right side, red and blue eyes sparkling. "Sephiroth," she softly voiced, tones warm and friendly. She looked up at him with a warm gaze and a happy smile before she looked over to the stranger. A rogue for sure, noted by her scent and how timid she was towards the Valhallan Beta. Odette gave a side glance to Sephiroth before stepping forward, slowly and eager to see what was going on with this female. "Hello," she greeted, ensuring her tones to remain warm. "My name is Odette, I am a warrior of Valhalla...You said you were injured?" She flicked her tail behind her as she lowered herself to the ground. Silently, she waited for the female to extend her paw, so she could look at it closely before making diagnoses.

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