
Tired Of Being Alone


04-03-2014, 01:09 AM

The female would respond, though she seemed timid upon his own approach. He gazed at her, eyes calm though his voice a little sharper then he had intended. He took a moment to compose himself, and before he spoke a familiar scent would arrive, and he'd turn to see Odette arriving. A small smile would lift the corner of his mouth, she was always one to investigate the new things going on in the pack, and was never really one to miss anything. "Hello, Odette." He greeted briefly before he watched her approach the newcomer. He waited for a moment as Odette lowered herself, attempting to get the timid she-wolf to show her injury. It seemed she was one of the unlucky ones to have gotten caught in the crossfire, while he himself had been lucky enough to just get a few small scratches. He would make note to inform Erani of Odette's performance, for aiding those that required assistance was what made up Valhalla. And it was much more then he saw within half the pack nowadays.

"Do not be alarmed, you are in safe paws. What is your name?" He would ask of her, his voice more calm and less harsh in tone this time. He would start with small questions so as not to frighten her, hopefully she would relax and allow Odette to take a look at her before asking what she was doing on pack territory. He seated himself upon the ground, aqua gaze watching her carefully. Though she didn't seem to hold any threat, one could never be too sure if another was waiting to ambush..

Sick of It by Skillet on Grooveshark