
Dances of Celebration, Joining Of Two Hearts



8 Years
04-03-2014, 06:23 AM

And so wolves would arrive, in ones and twos and threes, until the plains land was a dotted carpet of fur gathered around the flat boulder the moonbeam white Lady and her moons shadow silver daughter sat with the male Beta. Moss green eyes watched dully as wolves settled, found familiar faces and settled beside them, and sought out friends until they?d found them. It slowly occurred to him that he needed to be up next to the boulder, in the Secondary Psi spot. Slowly, Sarak pulled himself to his paws, taking the mental step aside away from the depression, and mechanically made his way to his appointed place, to the left and lower of the Queen and her Betas.

As he took his place, he cast a glance around at the gathered pack. Everyone was there. Except next thing he knew, Seraphine, sporting a new set of battle wounds and a distinctly hostile attitude, stalked through the wolves. He tensed slightly, wondering if he would need to act, but she drew away Sephiroth, and as the two left, he slowly relaxed, and turned his attention to Erani as she addressed the pack at last. It was a long speech, and yet it seemed he was unable to grow tired of listening. Everything was filed away to memory. Who their new Allies were, and moss green gaze flicked to the guest she had invited as an Ambassador for their neighbors, Olympus Pack. As she spoke to them, the love for the pack shone so greatly in her eyes, resonated in her voice so strongly, that a small piece of the heartache cracked away. He could survive. He would survive, and see his little family whole again. Him, Azalea, Kismet, and Soren. They would all be together again.

His eyes landed on Cormalin as Erani mentioned his return from the imprisonment of Glaciem. For an old wolf, Cormalin cut a strong figure, and it was a wonder he hadn?t been handed the Beta position back the moment Erani had taken hold of the mantle. But Sarak could see the contentment in the old male?s eyes. Cormalin was happy where he was, and perhaps he was ready to retire. Erani?s speech continued, and Sarak listened with growing interest as the younger wolves, previously Epsilons, were named to their new ranks, and their mentors were named. Sarak himself was to be teaching Lyric how to hunt. His eyes flicked through the crowd, finding the mismatched hypnotic gaze of his new student in hunting. Wasn?t it only yesterday, when she was a little pup, quiet and sweet? Playing among her sisters and brother? He never could recall Gabriel, Erani?s younger son, ever really playing. She?d grown in the time she?d been gone.

Sarak didn?t miss Erani?s emphasis on pride, and he knew where that came from. Isardis? prideful nature had been one of the factors that had begun the war. Erani wasn?t taking any chances on her pack having foolish pride dictating their actions and causing problems. Sarak?s ears perked slightly as she went on to explain that fighting training would be held often. And he nodded internally as she went on to announce his and Ashtoreths duties. His eyes flicked to his partner in service, then back again as Erani continued, addressing Ashtoreth and her mate, Leon. He knew what this was about. Erani had mentioned a Mating Ceremony back at the beach, and she wasn?t a wolf who forgot anything.

He watched and listened with curiosity beginning to bloom. He wanted something like this for himself and Azalea. To announce to all that pack that she was his, and he was hers. When she comes back. He stated firmly in his mind. When she came back, they would have this.