
An ode if any



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
04-03-2014, 08:58 AM

Erani was wandering, searching for any herbs she could find to stock up her pile. Granted, it was unlikely she would ever find healthy plant life in this unforgiving place, but it couldn?t hurt to see, now could it? Deep blue gaze scanned the surroundings, keeping an eye on her footing to avoid falling into the larger cracks that riddled this place. No trees to give a buffer to the wind that ripped across it, buffeting her fur. No water to quench ones thirst in high summer heat. She could see why the land was one of the unclaimed lands. A pack would have to be tougher than sinew to eke out a living here.

And yet, this place wasn?t uninhabited. A masculine laugh caught her attention, her head turning into the harsh wind, ears at an angle to capture the sounds on the wind, but not to catch the wind full in the ears and render her momentarily deafened by the wind battering her ears. It had been a while since she had met an outside wolf that wasn?t on her borders to join her pack, but she was slightly wary about approaching a stranger. Some wolves lived only to wreak havoc, and she had no interest in becoming a victim. So she analyzed the scent as it came to her on the wind. Rogue, and with no recent scent of any of the packs that would suggest an encounter.

She gave a soft bark, announcing her presence, then settled upon her haunches, giving the stranger a choice to either approach, or go his own way.