
consequences we cannot deny



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
04-03-2014, 08:53 PM

Qanik?s answer, an assurance that she wasn?t pregnant, nor did she intend to become so, eased some of Erani?s worries, but not all of them. There was Qanik to worry about. Erani hadn?t yet met Tortuga?s newest Leader? Good heavens, so many wolves had been leader to that pack, it was hell to keep up with the changes even when she?d had plenty of spare time as the Theta. Slowly she nodded, wondering if she would need to speak with Flamesong, or if he would approach her first.

Qanik?s firm answer to Erani?s query about the ties of Tortuga to Glaciem was met with an understanding nod. Well, now she had a name to put to the alphas scent. Roman. She?d have to keep an ear out for that name. It did make her curious. What kind of leader was this Roman? Fair? Tyranical? Surely not the latter; Qanik looked like the kind of wolf who wouldn?t put up with living under a tyrant, and there was no ill emotion in her eyes that would suggest ill treatment. She was well spoken, and honorable.

For now, she kept the questions under the lid, as Qanik spoke, listening intently. Erani nodded as Qanik amended her statement, her haunches lowering to the ground. ?I will have to speak to him. He hasn?t yet approached me about this. You seem a good wolf, and I am glad that you have the courtesy of letting me know.? Deep blue gaze swept over Qanik?s form; she did know that Tortuga had moved north while under Deteste?s rule; he had wanted to return to the Red Forest. While she had been furious with him that he had chosen to ally with Glaciem, of all packs, she could see why he had. Valhalla had lost their war. That would make them appear weak. What had become of the male with eyes older than his age?

?Have you eaten?? If not, Erani would offer the female her hospitality to rest for the night, take a meal, and drink before she headed home.