
Spring Fever



6 Years
03-29-2013, 07:43 AM

The pale little monster was hunched down, stalking. Her mouth ajar, breathing in and out as quietly as possible. Small shoulders and hips and worked like a cat's before that final pounce. Just past a mulberry bush was a patch of open ground and at it's heart was a twig. The tiny huntress smiled in a most wicked way that would make any adult assume she was up to no good, and then without further warning she bolted forward. Paws tangled in the bushes, mulberries smearing against her coat. Tripping she stumbled out into the clear where she finally righted herself before triumphantly slapping a paw down onto the unfortunate twig that was her target. Her amber eyes closed as she threw her head back. "AAAHHHRRROOOOOO," was her cry of victory.

Tail tucked, mouth wide open with lips drawn back to show her teeth. No in the aggressive way but in the playful one. She ran around the twig excitedly, springing toward it time and again to almost grab it before dashing away again. After a good minute or two of this she stopped, teeth still clear in view, her tail sticking out behind her to where the tip flopped over toward the ground. Panting with wide eyes Azalea suddenly froze. Her ears went sideways to hear what she knew to only be one rowdy bunch of pups. Her brothers.

With a grin she grabbed her twig, not to leave her prize behind, and darted away to catch her siblings. She found them on a narrow path, worn by the feet of many. Soleon tormented his brother who fought back halfheartedly. Screaming like a banshee Azalea broke cover, dropping her twig, and sprang at Soleon full speed to attempt to barrel him over. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH I SAVE YOU, GAEELLLLLLL!"

Her attack on Soleon hadn't been meant to bowl them both over. She didn't intend to scuffle with him. Both her brothers were quite a bit larger than her and when it came to brawn they would always over power her. Instead her tactic was to use him like a spring board, shoving off him with her paws. Now she stood back, jumping from side to side, tail wiping dangerously fast. "Taruga's attacking! Taruga's attacking!" She squealed, bolting up the tail, brushing by Gael, her eyes pleading him to follow suit.

Clearly Soleon had been conned into being a Tortuga wolf in this game.
