
You Were My Conscience...


03-29-2013, 08:18 AM

Ears flicking, for the moment she tuned out her mate as he tore at the deer, ripping skin, and then almost going sprawling. She swung her head back to face him, a startled laugh escaping her as he stood up again, "Smooth," She teased him lightly, tail wagging as dipped into a crouch, ready to launch herself at Gargoyle and engage in a playful tussle.

She was trying to gauge how far she should leap when her ears twitched, and the female straightened up, turning to face the pup as it spoke a squeaky hello. "Hello, Iniko!" Ocena greated the pup with a smile, glancing at Gargoyle as the male introduced her. Lovely. Just hearing him say that made her tail wag a little, but she tried not to get too distracted. The female had to pause for a moment to bask in that, but after that, she was all business, glancing at the youngster again.

Lowering her head a little, Ocena flicked her tail, "Is there anyone else with you, Iniko?" She asked the youngster gently, nostrils flaring slightly as she sniffed the air. He was young, young enough that there was hopefully a mother around. And indeed, there was a faint trace of another wolf in the air. But that could mean nothing; perhaps it was only a loner passing by, or he had found himself alone only recently. There were any number of explanations for this trace of a scent.

The female lowered herself to the ground as Gargoyle did so, examining the youngster absently. There was a good portion of their meal that had already had the skin torn off, leaving it for easy pickings. And surely there was plenty, enough to share, right? So Ocena eyed Iniko again, "Are you hungry?" She asked the youngster with a tilt of her head, examining the pup with a twitch of her ears. He was rather adorable.
