
all wrong



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
04-04-2014, 07:24 AM (This post was last modified: 04-04-2014, 07:24 AM by Epiphron.)
for maverick, after the earthquake <3

It was a surprise to all of Alacritia when the world began to sway and tremble. It began no different than any summer storm, though quickly grew quite fierce. The skies grew dark, and a loud crack overhead was followed by gentle tremors of the earth's surface. It seemed to be nothing more than a storm -- at first. But no rain came. Epiphron had sought refuge under some underbrush near the lake, but as the earth's rumbling grew steadily more threatening, she retreated to her den. Maverick was not here, and she wondered where he might be.

Rarely was she frightened, but this weather seemed truly dangerous. The woman watched warily from the den's entrance as the trees began to sway and falter, limbs snapping easily as the roar grew louder. This was no ordinary storm. A whine slipped from her throat, ears flattening against her skull. A frantic howl would leave her lips, a call for her husband, wherever he might be. There was no answer to her call, and all she could hear in response was the loud rumbling that seemed to emanate from the earth itself.

She would not wait for him here. If he was in danger, she could never forgive herself for staying here. Quickly she would leave the den, eyes growing wide as she saw tall trees spitting, debris flying up from all around her. Confusion gripped her as her pace grew frantic, searching for Maverick and praying silently for his safety. What happened next, she was not sure -- a sharp pain split through her cranium, her vision grew blurry and she found her limbs faltering beneath her. Slowly she lost consciousness, falling into the rubble than began to build around her, her mind clouded in darkness..