
Lonliness Is Sickening To The Heart



04-04-2014, 06:45 PM (This post was last modified: 04-04-2014, 06:45 PM by Dayton.)

Dayton's earthen pelt was gleaming with the fiery colors of the sunset. It was beautiful here. His amber eyes shined brightly as his small paws brought him across the ebony sand. His feet brushed the grains aside carelessly, for today he felt confident. The delicate, fragile male had finally begun to think of himself as something special again. Something to be noticed? Perhaps not. But something that at least deserved a chance.

His tail even swayed a bit as he walked, a rare thing for Dayton. He almost never showed signs of happiness, mostly because he never had any happiness to show. Not since the incident when his father... The young boy shook the thoughts from his mind once more. Never think of it. If you ignore the memories, ignore the pain, eventually it will all go away. Of course Dayton knew that wasn't true, but he let it slide for today. He was finally happy. Why spoil it?

Suddenly, as the boy was gazing across the beach, his eyes caught a figure sitting there. Undoubtedly a female figure, resting on the beach under the ochre rays of the sun. Dayton seemed to notice her beauty only as an observation, and he did not linger on it, as he could not bring himself to. Instead he approached, very slowly, and called out to the young maiden.

The boy was changing. That much was clear. The old Dayton would never have called attention to himself like this. He would have bolted, hidden in the woods, and never seen the pretty girl again.

Yes, something was changing within him. "Excuse me, my lady. Would you care for a little company?"
