
Thunder Cloud



4 Years
04-04-2014, 07:08 PM

OOC: So, so sorry this is scattered. I'm not sure where he and I are going with this...blame our combined lack of sleep. ><

His question was, as he was beginning to expect, met with a pep he couldn't begin to fathom. Had she not just snapped at him so many seconds ago? Where did her anger go? The brute wanted to mutter something about how terrible indeed her lack of introduction was so he could see if he could get a rise from her, but he didn't. Why exactly was beyond him because he didn't believe in censoring himself. It made life so much more interesting and simple. If someone didn't like what he had to say they could brawl over it and if they felt like just taking it for what it was, perfect. At least his thoughts were known. The same couldn't be said for others.

Alice. He rolled the name over in his mind before deciding that it fit her. "Thor." He made a soft 'h' sound before retracting the word, the singular sound dying on his lips like a light cough. If she weren't paying close attention, the hesitation would go unnoticed.

He couldn't pin down the reason for leaving out his last name (which only added to the growing list of things he didn't know). Perhaps he wanted to distance himself from it. The brute wasn't one for analysis, so the exact reason would likely remain unknown to him. Either that or it would be buried because he didn't want to think about it.

Thor sighed, fighting fatigue. How long had he been without sleep now? Had it really been three days? He was beginning to have a hard time holding on to things. His anger was slipping away from him and so was his already diminished ability to reason. All he wanted was to sleep in peace. Wasn't it enough that he was sorry? "I'd like to say it's a pleasure to meet you, Miss Alice, but it really hasn't. Under better circumstances I'm sure it would have been." Thor stood, unseeing eyes fixed on the horizon. In this final stage of restlessness, the brute would wander until he was too tired to continue; finding sleep through exhaustion. "Perhaps I should be going."

[Image: 2z9gv88.png]