
New Space & Time



4 Years
04-04-2014, 08:23 PM

Baldur waited with baited breath to see what would become of his fate. He could bring himself to look at Thor. He sensed the shift in his brother and was sure his older sibling was taken aback by the decision. He loved Thor, really he did but he was tired of living as a loner, always wandering and scavenging? and if Baldur truly looked within himself he wanted a family. He wanted to know what other wolves felt when they were part of a pack, a real pack built on respect and teamwork.

And then the verdict. He was in! And a warrior too. A grin split his maw. He nodded, Glaciem was their northern foe, he would train in all three? that could be interesting. Hunting wasn't a problem, healing he was a bit skeptical on but he saw Odette's handiwork with the gator and had to admit he was open to the prospect.

Welcome Home

Baldur swallowed hard. Home. Stars above was he finally going to learn what that word actually meant? He jumped with a laugh as Odette nuzzled him, his heart fluttering at her touch, tail starting to wag. "Oh you will, huh? Well we'll just see about that! Haha, though you did take on a gator, you'll have to teach me a few tricks Odette!"

He was so lost in puppy love and excitement that he nearly missed his brother speak. Baldur whirled around to stare at Thor. He'd never even bothered to hope that his brother might join him, but would he?

"You mean it Thor, you'd join a pack?" Baldur turned to Erani, the pleading look evident on his face. "Lady Erani, please, he is one of the few members of my family that?" Baldur hesitated on how to say what he wanted to. One of the few members that wasn't totally insane? That hadn't slain as many wolves as some of the others? That wasn't likely to kill or betray her? "You'll never meet a more loyal or noble wolf."
