
A voice calls to me...


04-04-2014, 11:28 PM

nevermind that noise you heard

The shaking didn't entirely phase him, while it startled him sure, but there was nothing he feared entirely. The man's head was keeping steady, he piratically slide across the land, following the shaking in a flow until he tripped and hit his side. That simply pissed him off though, the trembling of the land was something he was not a fan of. His perfect afternoon in the hopes of finding some entertainment had turned into a basket fest where the land was splitting in two. Lime green eyes looking irritated like someone ruined his afternoon meal as the scarred male made his paws dig into the dirt. After the first settle, he was about to relief with a sigh only for another to start.

He could hear the tree's breaking, not just the land. Krew was simply a lucky man to have no get hit by them, and suddenly bringing his attention to the water in the scar in the earth. The land had made room for a new river, that was how he saw it, until in an amusing turn of events a woman was attempting to save another from the depths. Krew curled his lips into a grin, how fascinating and he would do nothing to help but watch and see what would happen.

His body would move along the edge's, stalking like a lion as his eyes narrowed watching her struggle to get the girl on the shore in the current. His brown coat made it easy to hide in the darkness that he was cloaking himself in. Paws making sure not to slip against the dirt, easily with his experience specially when he lived in ice for half his life. Tail flicking behind him, he slid to the small shore, muscles pushing him to the opposite side of the shore where she seemed to be heading.

The lucky little path he had found to them, probably would be the same they wanted to get out. Well lucky enough seeing them struggle had been enough amusement since he had just smacked his side from the fall of the quake. Making his back a bit sore. So, Krew wouldn't seek any blood from these two girls collapsed on the ground and tired from a little swim in the epidemic state. His one darker paw would step into the dwindling light with the silence aside from the new river roaring at them. His lime eyes looking down at the unconscious one and the one who looked rather tired.

"Searching for a way out?" his voice deeply impending, dominant and uncaring. Though if he ran into them again, perhaps they'd return the favor he had payed them. Of course, he wouldn't, he didn't give a shit about anyone. So it didn't affect him either way. Tail flicking behind him, he sat on his stomach and crossed his paws in front of him. "There's a path behind me to get back up, but it'll be difficult with extra baggage." he said flicking his tail to Narfi.