
The Will of the Gods [Meeting]



10 Years
04-05-2014, 01:22 PM
The little healer and her golden companion were studying by themselves within the confines of their shared den. Studying the plants they had gathered and making plans to go gathering the autumn and last of summer plants before the winter would find them. Though the cold was never so bad as to kill much of the plant life within the mangroves, she planned to go north to find the rarer material. However they would not be doing such today. Her mothers call would be brought to her ears, and the small girl would come when called. Elohim would find a place on her back and the two would make the short walk to her patents den. She hoped beyond hope that such a meeting would lure her father back to his home. She has not seen him in so long, and he had left with out so much as a good bye. She wondered if something bad had happened to him, but such a strong man would have trouble being over come... Right? The only wolf who was not of destruction birth there was Sha, the amazing dog would had joined their ranks. Novel had yet to get to know her but had seen her in lessons before. She would smile at the rest of her family, all shaken up by the earth's quaking. Elohim has told her what to do to stay safe, but she was glad to see now who had fared well. She would have found a seat next to her brother Dhiren, but instead decided to sit next to the tiger dog, hoping to make her feel more at home. She knew it couldn't be easy living with a different species.?
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