
There No Room For This Star



5 Years
04-05-2014, 02:08 PM
Irune Ezra Armada

She stood there on the borders of her home, gaze drifting out far beyond the scent markers. How long had she stood here staring out beyond Glaciem borders she wasn't sure. But in the time she had given life a good thinking. Glaciem was not a place for her. She couldn't grow and strive here to the best of her abilities. There were too many to contend with for being noticed, for becoming more than she was. She wanted to know more, see more. She wanted to create her own experiences and memories. The young girl wanted to see the world.

The blue and russet girl turned away from the borders, resting her amber gaze on her home. She would miss it yes, she would miss her mother dearly, her brothers too. But Rin had already left, her left ear twitched, the ear with two nicks given to her by Rin and Ky. Their pact still stood from what she knew. She had promised them, and would forever uphold her end till her dying breath. Living Ky would be hard, but she couldn't left Rin wonder alone out there. But the question would be if Sendoa would let her leave. Isardis had been her idol when she was a pup, but he played not rule in her life. His view in her eyes as a superhero had died. He had become nothing to her but a name. She'd respect him yes, but that was it. Sendoa would seem more practical to call forth for this meeting. And of course she would have her mother and brothers here.

The girl had grown into a strong beautiful wolfess She was small like her mother, but the genetic grace Armada's carried was strong in her. She moved with a light step, as if seemingly her paws would just kiss the earth lightly before moving once more. Her fur was silky and slightly long, wavering in the soft late summer breeze. She trotted farther more into the marble wash till she was a good feet away from the borders but they remained in sight. Pausing she left the gentle breeze sway and caress her. With a soft sight her chin lifted and a howl rang out clear and crisp, calling forth certain individuals..