
It's Our Hearts That Bind Us



5 Years
04-05-2014, 02:20 PM
Irune Ezra Armada

A call had ran out, one she knew the voice it belonged to. Concern creased her brows. She knew she had not been called to him. But something pulled on her heart, she had to go. She ran as fast as she could, being so far from Rin, she feared if she didn't run she would miss something important. Her heart hammered in her chest. Why did she have such a bad feeling about this? Why did she want to puke from the rolling worry and stress building up in her?

She would make it though after Narsha and Ky had arrived first. She slowed she a walk, low to the ground. She wasn't sure if she should be here. This could be only between the three of them. They might not want her there. Pausing she looked at her half brother, amber eyes studying him. Ears twitched she straightened up and trotted right up to his side. Irune wasn't much to think sometimes. She acted a lot in instinct and what her heart told her. So thoughts of not being welcomed here went out the door. She stopped at Rin's side, nuzzling his neck and lightly touching her nose to the ear that matched her's and Ky's with the nicks in them. She stepped back to sit next to Ky.

She didn't know what was going on, but felt in her very core that she had to be here. She glanced at Ky, she hadn't seen him much either. She missed her brothers. A soft whine slipped from her as she watched the two, ears folding back. Why had they grown so distant lately? What had happened to the three of them? She turned to Narsha, trying to judge if she knew what was going on.p>