
Imprisoned Within


04-05-2014, 06:35 PM

nevermind that noise you heard

My thick tail swayed silently as I waited for the young wolf to speak; hopping that I was able to spook him. However, it seemed that in these lands, fun was not allowed. Before the pup was even able to acknowledge my presence another quickly appeared from the dense forest. Laughter erupted inside my mind as I watched the adolescent white wolf become defensive immediately. Who did she think she was? Did she really think that a pipsqueak like herself would be able to take on a beast like myself? For a few moments I mused over the thought of rising and showing this ill mannered little girl just how bad I could be, but I decided why bother. I needed not to prove anything to some pup. I knew that in a moments time I could snap her fragile being in two. "My, my, has no one taught you manners, little girl?" I smirked at the end of my sentence as I was about to ensure her that I would teach her of some, but as I opened my mouth to speak again another youngling dashed out from the woods.

This one was of mixed tones that belonged to the night and earth. It seemed that this third whelp had no more manners than the second, but at least he knew how to cover that fact better than the female. "Is your pack so frightened by guests that they approach any with hostility?" I spat at him with disgust laden deep within my words. "As for my business, it is one of pleasure." I swayed my head to the side; dismissing the fact that there were a group of strange wolves standing just a few feet away from me. They were nothing, but ants in my eyes; they posed no threat. The fact made my features dull as I had hoped to have an interesting day. Having to babysit a bunch of rude kids was in no way interesting. "I wished to take a stroll within a foreign land and yours just so happened to be in my path." A slight smirk tugged at the corners of my pale lips.

As I awaited for a smart-mouthed response from one -or all- of the youngsters my keen eras picked up on a beast that was romping through the forest with immense speed. This time a full grown wolf had appeared from the thick foliage; though she was not nearly as large as I. Her demeanor was not much different from the others, except this one had more bite in her words. The spectrum of grey boiled with rage; I could see it in her eyes and hear it seething out from her mouth. "Well, well now I see where all these children get their terrible behaviors from." My wandering orbs drifted back over to the group of pack wolves as their guardian stood in front. "Shame on you for teaching them such horrid methods of greeting guests." A tone of disappointment rang through as I spoke; my head shaking back and forth in a disapproved manner.