
The Will of the Gods [Meeting]


04-05-2014, 07:16 PM

A summons, most likely in reaction to the quaking of the terra below their very feet so recently. With a sigh, the alabaster queen heaved herself to her feet and left her empty den. Her children stayed far from her, ignoring and hating everything about her. Magnus was gone, most likely having decided the steel eyed lady was not worth the effort of loving anymore, or had found a new woman to love. She had not eaten all too much as of late, only catching what she needed to survive. What had she to live for now, besides her pack? Her babes seemed to care less whether or not she lived or died, no doubt the pack had made do without her well enough. Long banner would swing like a furry pendulum at her heels, crown lowered between her petite shoulders as she headed towards the mangrove. She had decided to take up her home in the Hot Springs now, where it was constantly warm and frequented very little by anyone.

The dame's ivory coat no longer held the same gloss it once had, but she still kept it groomed well enough, making sure she looked somewhat presentable. She had not given up entirely, not quite yet. Broad paws would touch down upon the roots of the mangrove trees with very little effort and quite an unearthly grace, as always. Soon, she came upon the gathering of her best friend's family, and a strange canine she did not recognize. Intrigue shone in her moonstone orbs as she looked over the strangely marked, rose eyed female, but she said nothing.

Stepping towards her pearl coated friend, she offered a small smile. Dark lips would curl in the slightest, baring the tips of her pale daggers as she came closer. Cranium would press against the smaller femme's neck affectionately, an old custom of her family's that she had never dropped. "Song, my dear. It is good to see you are faring well after the quake. I trust the rest of your family fared the same?" She would inquire, silken lyrics faintly accented with Russian dialect and ethereal tones. She would look about her, taking in the assembled wolves with a curious mercury gaze. Tiara would raise above her shoulders as she watched the expression of her trusted friend and leader, awaiting a response. Then she would catch sight of a little one hidden behind Song, clinging close to her in a manner that broke her heart. Her children would never be like that with her, ever again. She had destroyed the bond she had with her family beyond repair.