
I Touch Myself


04-05-2014, 07:26 PM

She had been dozing within the orchard, resting beneath a tree. Ever since the quake, she had spent most of her time with Aeron, but she had wanted to spend tonight alone and so her paws had carried her here. Her wounds were healing, including her ear, it had scabbed over and was now nothing more than tattered flesh. The rest of her minor wounds had healed over without a scar and her bruised had faded into nothing.

The distinct sound of another wolf would wake her, causing the queen to lift her head. Verdant gems would look around, seeing no one, but as nostrils quivered, she could smell the wolf nearby, hearing the crunching of leaves beneath the strangers feet. Pale limbs would push the woman up, she took a moment to shake the debris from her pelt before setting out to find the wolf.

She tried to be quiet, but with fall taking its hold, leavings had fallen and died, crunching beneath her weight. It would not take long for the pale wolf to come into view, the red woman taking a moment before slipping from the shadows.

Nostrils quivered, she didn't know the scent of Tortuga, so this woman would be nothing more than a strange pack wolf. The woman would halt a respectable distance away. The stranger was only a few inches smaller than herself, her coat ivory, marred only by a few strange markings on her hip and face.

"I hope I'm not intruding."