
queen of the snowfall


04-05-2014, 08:42 PM

nevermind that noise you heard

Tired lilac orbs gazed into the distance as toned muscles went hard at work. They carried my massive frame away from the snowy lands of the frozen field with haste. My want to be there had long since expired; once horrid memories had been triggered. Although I had no idea where I was headed I also didn't seem to really care. It seemed as though my body had taken over any physical decisions for my mind was worlds away. A continuous loop kept playing within it that had completely pulled me away from the outside world. A loop which I could not escape, no matter how long I walked. The images played on like a broken record. Scenes of a certain bloody, mangled body being ripped apart by feline paws burned themselves forever in my mind. Over and over.

My mind whirled with the dark thoughts; causing a manifestation of dizziness to occur. I swayed from side to side as I carried onward, my pace slowing. Eventually I was forced to use a towering tree for support. As I looked down at the earth below me I could see tiny ants. They marched just in front of my paws; carrying objects twice their size. If I had taken one more step I would have destroyed them for sure; luck it seems was on their side this day.Their strength astounded me as I watched them march. Such small beings able to carry such mass and here I was, barely able to carry myself. The only weight on my shoulders was that of emotional mass. How pathetic.

As the last minuscule insect crossed my path I shook the weariness from my mind; raising my head as I did so. A quiet chuckle escaped my now curled lips as I gazed at what laid in front of me. The caves of the past, how ironic that my tortured soul subconsciously lead me to such a place. My past was the one thing that I tried so desperately to escape and here was a place dedicated to such a time. It seemed that the gods wished to see me suffer today. Who was I to disappoint them? With a heavy sigh I pushed my shaky limbs forward.

I walked within the dimly lit caverns for what seemed like eons. Crudely portrayed beasts painted the walls that lined both my sides. Curiously my eyes would linger on a few before passing by them; my mind still not quite right. It wasn't until a voice broke the silence that my attention was fully plucked from my own thoughts. A soft voice echoed throughout the barren cave. The gentle tone soothed the nerves inside my head. The she-wolf that owned those angelic vocals caught me by surprise; which seemed to be happening a lot these days. Her appearance mirrored that of her sound and I honestly did not know how to react to such a timid demeanor. "Oh..." I fumbled around for the right words, "good.. day?" All I could think of was to repeat her gesture even though I found It odd; a good day it surely was not. "My legs I suppose." I crept a bit closer to the the woman as I realized that she was far larger than I. Never before had I seen such mass on a wolf nor ever would I have thought it to be possessed by a female! I was quite impressed to say the least and quite interested to take a closer look at the giantess. "And what brings someone as soft sounding as you to these miserable caverns?"