

Eirik I


3 Years
04-05-2014, 10:13 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

The boy continued to stare upward at the cat while trying to reign in the fear he had been feeling and that he had accidentally exposed in his desire to appease her anger. He wished to be anywhere but here, anywhere that he could possibly be more safe than this, than a step away from death. At least she appeared more sedate now, less threat within her face as she continued to eye him just as closely as he did her. What did she see? His bravery? His fear? An easy meal? A toy that could also double as a snack?

She moved and though he did not visibly flinch this time, as the action had not been one toward himself, Eirik did tense anxiously. Thankfully it had only been to stretch herself enough to lie upon the ground, her large head hovering closely to where he stood. His pink eyes continued to stare up into her face as she watched him, and after a moment it seemed she reconsidered her position and shifted back some where she lay, adding a little more space between them. Was it a means to make him feel more comfortable? He was not entirely sure it was enough.

Still no move was made toward him but a statement was made, bringing to his attention her efforts at distancing herself from him. Maybe she had no more intentions of hurting him or threatening him. Maybe he would even get to leave safely and return to his family. What a story he would have to tell in that case! "Can I go?" he dared to ask, his voice finally back under his control and not wobbling with fright anymore.

image by Luisiana