
Begin Again



04-05-2014, 11:22 PM

She would twitch her ear at Gitan's words, showing she had heard him. She was grateful to have such a mate as him. He was so supportive of her. The mention of staying in Ludi she would look to her paws before looking to Gitan then back to Song."I'd like to talk about our. Indifferences first before deciding. Song I'm still peeved about the Adoptive mother thing. After I found that out and Deteste accused me of being a traitor, you didn't even stand up for me. You just stood there. Then you walked right on by as if you couldn't care less. I needed you then and all I got was your back!" Her voice had hitched to a louder angry voice but not too loud to wake Song's children."I started to feel felt out of the pack, I didn't feel like I belonged. Then I found out Gitan was in Tortuga. Feeling isolated and not seeing him was killing me Song. So I did what I thought would make me happy. I went to him. If I couldn't belong here then I would at his side. And I've never been more happier Song."She paused to sit down, to keep herself in check on her temper. Just talking about it had her blood boiling.

"You made me feel horrible for following my heart. Who are you to do that when you were the one to leave us? You left the family to be happy and found love. Why cant I do the same? Am I not privileged enough?!" She challenged. She didn't care if Song was an Alpha or not, if she had children or not. Symphony had children and was her sister. So her view on her would always be on a different level. She wouldn't hold back anything."And I much as I appreciate being able to stay here I am highly disappointed in our family. Only Novella has come to visit us. Where is the rest of our family? If I left isolated before, I feel more so even now by my own family!" She snarled at the end. It was more is disappointment and sorrow. She wanted her family back, but they seemed not to care anymore.
