
Begin Again



04-05-2014, 11:50 PM
Song was rather surprised at her sister's sharp words, was she not aloud to call a she wolf who was like a mother to her her adopted mother? "But Silent was like a mother to me when i first came here and had no one ?why would you think she doesnt deserve that title?" when detest had accused her so harshly Song has left her fate in the hands of their alpha, as it should be. She had made her case, and the woman had felt enough trust in Jupiter to see Symphony not tried for her actions. She has refused to obey a superiors orders, which Song felt was rather disrespectful. "What could I stand up for? By not obeying your superiors you could have put the pack in danger, Symphony." she would say gently as her sisters angry voice was raised. "you cannot fault me for feeling left out, being a family is a two way street. I never saw you at my den when I was sick and could not leave. I was dying and you never showed your face. I took the place as alpha, and the time I needed you the most you left. You left without even telling your student good bye. You can not place all blame on me." her voice still held a tone of strained tiredness within it. She would remain neutral, taking her sister's aggression without flinching. She still would not believe she deserved such hostility. Finally she would raise her voice slightly, Symphony had never understood her plight. "I left Ahlon because my mother forced me to leave. I attacked her Symphony. I couldn't keep myself there and bear to see her betrayed features everyday."[/b] Then she would speak of family and feeling betrayed, song couldn't believe the selfishness she saw in her sister's words. "I can not control other beings Symphony. You can not be angry at me for Howl and Legend not visiting you. And I certainly can not be held responsible for not visiting. Sumphony. I am a [i]single mother trying to run a pack by herself with little help but my yearling children. I barely have enough time to teach my newest brood, let alone spend time with them. I have not seen you nor our brothers since their birth. Let alone my own husband. You may blame me if you wish symphony, but i am not the cause of your woes." As the words left her lips she would slowly come to realize her sister's view. She could hardly believe how critical she was being when she could hardly claim innocence.?