
Begin Again



04-06-2014, 01:01 AM

She sat there silently listening to Gitan and her sister. Her shoulder leaning against Gitan as he placed his paw over her own. To soothed down the raising hackles and her heated body. But as Song continued her rear would lift slightly as if to stand and get up in Song's face but she would firmly sit back down. The mention of leaving Novel hit it like teeth piercing into her heart and claws raking her face. She literally flinched away from Song. Ears laid back as she tried to get a grip on herself. She knew she had hurt Novel, and more than likely ruined her relationship with her niece. As calmly as she could she took a deep breath before speaking."I do not blame the woman you call you adoptive mother. I had simply felt like you had cast away your real family. It had shocked me and surprised me. I supposed I thought and still think you can easily replace us. I'm sure Aurora is a better sister than I. And I fear you'll replace me and never wont me around. As for the Deteste thing, I just wanted you for moral support. I didn't expect you to stick up for me and plead my innocence. But I needed you on my side even if it was just a little bit. Just to see that you knew I had not meant harm, that I would never do such a thing. But watching you walk away..without a word to me hurt. I felt like you believed Deteste. I needed my protective sister, the stronger of the two of us. You were all I had for support here in the pack and you turned away. I went to my den that night crying." She bowed her head, eyes closing.

She had never known about Song being sick and dying. No one had told her. It made her feel horrible, to be in the same pack as her sister and to not know such a thing had happened."I never knew you had been ill. I suppose it was because after that day Deteste accused me of being a traitor we kept to ourselves. I didn't think you wanted me around, or were ashamed of me. I told you why I left..i was deteriorating away in my den. Even Gitan noticed when I found him, the depression I had fallen into. I hate stopped eating. I was heart sick..i needed him. He was the only one that could fix me. I never meant to hurt Novel. And don't think for a minute I don't beat myself up every day about what I had did or rather what I didn't do. I believe my relationship with her is ruined for good and it kills me. She was my first student...don't think it means nothing to me. I saw her as my daughter and still do." She said softly. Oddly enough when Song got louder, Symphony grew quite and soft. It was an odd role the two of them played. Each lashing out and switching places. Song's last words had her silent and just watching Song. Would they ever get past this? "Cherokee is missing?" She asked softly. She knew her sister was crazy over the male."Song..i would have been more than happy to watch your pups with mine if you had asked..I didn't know."

She turned to Gitan, debating to ask him about staying. No she would wait till things got settled with Song first. Song had asked if she was going to stay, almost seeming to plead her to stay. But she couldn't, not with this rift between them. This was their chance to fix it, and probably the only one. She sighed softly, nuzzling Gitan."If..things get soothed we stay?" She whispered for just his ear alone. She knew he wanted to stay with Tuarig but she wasn't sure if the male was even around anymore in Ala.
