
spread your wings



10 Years
04-06-2014, 02:39 AM

Fall was vastly approaching and so was the tournament Ebony was going to hold. It made Odette's mind whirl in many different colors, for she wanted to compete as a representative of Valhalla. She knew that she would make Erani and the rest of her family proud, which was why her goal was to keep up the training. Even if she had to do it by herself, Odette would become a stronger warrior than she was at that moment.
The young lady had taken the chance to improve her muscle strength before the sun had risen. She had conquered every hill and tall mountain that she could get her paws on until her body screamed for redemption. By the time she was done, her fur was matted with sweat and her eyes were twinkling with a fire that hadn't been present since her puppy days. Odette felt as if she was living again. She had a purpose and, no matter how small it was, she was ready for the challenge that awaited her. The sun was now high and she needed to cool down, so the stream was where she would go.
Her weary paws, ready for some cool water and shade accompanied with it, crossed across the large plains to the primary water source. However, when she reached it, the level was lower than she anticipated. Irritation rang in her groan as she deeply exhaled before following the stream that came from the mountains above. As she walked beside the dead river bed, she noticed another wolf in her wake. Odette didn't care that she looked like a large, sweating mess. Vanity was not her strong suit at times, so she didn't slow down in her walk as she got closer to him.
The male smelled of Valhalla, so she knew he was not foreign to the pack's lands. So, she gave a brief smile and dipped her bed head of fur to the stranger. "Good afternoon," she politely greeted, red and blue eyes holding their familiar twinkle with a hint of unusual irritation swirling in them. "Lovely way to spend a hot afternoon, isn't it? Especially when someone needs the cool, savory water to drink after a long morning..." Her voice became slightly grumbly as she sarcastically mentioned being parched. She hoped that he wouldn't take her aggravation as something towards him. After all, he had done nothing wrong.

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