
Lonliness Is Sickening To The Heart



04-06-2014, 08:16 AM

Dayton flinched as well when the poor girl backed away. Something was wrong here. She was so frightened of him, and why? He was frightened too, but it seemed the only thing that was giving him confidence was the idea of a wolf being more fragile than he. Was she really more broken than him, though? Had she been raped? By her own father? Dayton squeezed his eyes shut so hard his ears rang. He had kept his barriers unsupervised, and they had let some of the horrid thoughts leak through. He bit down on his tongue to keep from whining. Whenever he thought of what his father did, he relived the pain... the pain that no male was meant to feel. Pain that was meant for females, whether it was fair or not. But he had felt it. And it was unnatural. And he was reliving it now.

The delicate boy stepped away, backpedaling until he stumbled and ended up flat on his haunches again. He breaths were coming quickly now, his eyes were still shut. Blotches of hot white light appeared in his personal darkness. He let his lids fly open, the last rays of the dying sun blinding him for a moment. As his vision returned to normal, so did his breathing. The nightmare was over. He was here, on the beach. With Misha. Dayton's gaze moved over to her, warily. How had she reacted to his little meltdown? Did she finally understand how similar they were? He gulped as he waited for her response, his throat dry and cracked. Maybe now she would understand. They could break through their pain together. No one should ever be alone in this. After all, misery loves company, he thought.
