
The Will of the Gods [Meeting]

Requiem I


2 Years
04-06-2014, 11:40 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

Requiem could not express just how happy he was that the earthquake was over. He had not been in danger's way in any sense holed up within the den with mom and his siblings, but the whole event had been rattling to say the least. It had been quite terrifying at first, throwing the boy to the floor of the den and making it impossible for him to get his footing again. Instead he had remained huddled beside his mother and siblings, cling close to them all in his effort to maintain some semblance of stability, even if it could not be the kind of physical stability that the earth should have been upholding. But thankfully the one prayer that he had been muttering to himself had been answered; the earth was still whole and his family was still safe.

His steps were nervous as he stepped tentatively from the safety of the den, ears slightly tucked and head low. His teal-green eyes glanced alternatingly between the ground and his mother, the two dark markings upon his brow adding a permanent sense of pensive worry to his expression aided by his current demeanor. Was the ground done shaking? Would it start up again? The worry made him hurry his pace and nearly trot to his mother's side to join Dutiron already quietly seated there, bumping his muzzle silently against his brother's shoulder before moving to beside both him and mom. Others were already arriving, drawn out by Song's call, and nervously the boy's gaze moved from one to the other while he listened to the conversation and prayed more that they were all at last safe.