
Mid-Morning Drink



04-06-2014, 08:00 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

It surprised her just how understanding and open this wolf was to the cat's company. She would have expected threats and guardedness, even open hostility, knowing the rivalry that was well known between their kind, but this Erani seemed to be paving new roads for them. It was strange but nicely so, although Laila was still debating how comfortable she could be in such a setting. She was used to being unwelcome by the wolves; how was she to set aside those thoughts, that ingrained distrust, so quickly?

"I am," she answered, "if that's what this place is called." In her travels so far she had heard nothing of a name for the lands as a whole, so this was definitely a first. Alacritia. Now that she knew it, she doubted being able to forget it, especially since she had a strong feeling, despite presently being on protected wolf territory, that she was going to settle here. Somewhere.

She never would have expected that "somewhere" to actually be offered to her, especially by a wolf. Laila's rounded ears rose attentively as Erani spoke of a place within her pack's territory known as the Whisperer's Gorge, claiming it to be rocky and composed of tunnels that might appeal to the cat. While the tunnels themselves were only a mild curiosity, but the fact it seemed to fit her desired locale was promising. And even more promising was the offer the Alpha wolf set down before her, a safe place to live in exchange for her assistance should their home be threatened.

As odd an offer as it seemed - who had ever heard of mountain lions and wolves setting aside differences to live cooperatively? - there was some level of intrigue and temptation about it. If she lived here, she would not have to compete with others, wolf or otherwise, for food and territory. And all she needed to do was help them out a little. "That doesn't sound too bad," she muttered contemplatively to herself, taking another few moments to think it over before lifting her amber eyes and meeting the blue gaze of the wolf leader. "Alright. Deal."