
Wake up call.


03-29-2013, 11:15 AM

The swamp was a bit like her, she was partial to these lands so cold and dark. This place were forgotten, a voyeur in time left abandoned and desolate. Just like her. Banishment seemed to suit her well, the colors of her pelt were known as vile and wicked, banished forever in her old lands and her lips curled up in a slow moving silly, how utterly asinine to banish a color. She was innocent, of what she had been accused of at least, but that was neither here nor there.

The thick mud squelched beneath her paws as she glided through the mud and filth, golden eyes flickering in the darkness, her bitterness and her hatred gleamed in the depths of her oculars. A phantom spirit of ivory appeared in the shadows and she paused, her own pelt blending well save for the collar of white fur that wrapped around her neck and down her forehead. Her tail would lash behind her, she assumed he was vile, every wolf she had ever met was vile, cruel... why would he be any different?

"Who are you?" Her tones were neutral, cold, but she stayed where she was, drawing no closer. She would not give him the chance to harm her, she was ready for his teeth and his claws.
