
Best I Can



04-06-2014, 08:52 PM

Dayton was wandering the pack lands, seeing the territories that were so new to him. He had joined but a few days ago, and already his scent had changed. Any rogue would now be able to tell that he belonged to Tortuga. He smiled as his long legs stepped around a fallen tree. Suddenly the earth began to tremor beneath his paws. The shaking was light at first, sending shivers up his bones. He froze in place, heart quickening. Then the ground shattered.

Trees rocked as the earth around Dayton kicked and rolled. He yelped loudly with shock as he was thrown to his side. Immediately the boy curled into a ball, shielding himself from falling pieces of debris. As he pinched his eyes shut, his thoughts went out to his fellow pack members. Hopefully they were safe in this disaster, whatever it was.

As soon as the violent quake had begun, it rumbled to a stop. Dayton paused for a moment, cracking open one amber eye to see if the coast was really clear. Then he leapt to his feet and started off across the unstable ground, hurrying to find Roman and the other Tortugans. There were plenty of new rocks and other barriers to jump over now, but the agile boy cleared them without a problem. His thin figure was made for this kind of running.

It wasn't long before he came across two unfamiliar wolves. He didn't know their faces, but he recognized their smell. They were members. Dayton nodded at them shyly before his eyes found his leader. "What happened, my lady? Are you hurt?" His expression became very worried, and he listened attentively as the two women spoke to each other. They needed a runner. He was designed for this. The delicate boy stepped forward.

"No, please. Let me go. I'm willing to run any distance to find help for Roman." He stared confidently at his injured queen, squaring his shoulders to make him seem worthy. But the darker female had also offered her help. The boy frowned. "Should we both go?" This wouldn't do at all. There wasn't time to decide. Someone needed to find a healer now.
