
Begin Again



6 Years
04-06-2014, 11:58 PM

He watched carefully gaze shifting back and forth between the two women. He would offer his moral and emotional support for Symphony even if he felt that her sister might have a point here and there? it seemed today was very much a day for him to hold his tongue. He watched as both women seemed to swiftly change roles, one the aggressor, the other the victim, and then they would exchange their roles. Round and round they went on and Gitan stayed where he was occasionally shifting his weight and briefly pressing into Symphony almost to remind her he was here if she needed him.
Then both women seemed to grow quieter, and he noticed the pain in Song?s expression, his forest gaze flicking to his little mate almost inquisitively. There had been no talk of this Cherokee fellow around him before but he had to guess it was Song?s mate. He shifted awkwardly, ears pulling back slightly and averting his gaze. It couldn?t be easy, he figured, to see he and Symphony acting the way they did with the knowledge that her own mate was gone.
He wasn?t allowed any time to linger on those thoughts however as his love looked up at him. His attention turning to her in full. He leaned into her as she reached up to nuzzle him and uttered a whispered question. He sighed closing his eyes and thinking for a moment. ?There has been no word of Taurig for some time? The island holds little else for me and I would feel better knowing that our children grew up in a pack, especially among? family.? He spoke softly nosing gently at her.

Speech, Think, Others,