
There No Room For This Star


04-07-2014, 12:58 AM

To say that she had scarcely seen her daughter would be an understatement, the bright child had grown into a beautiful near yearling. She took the same size from her mother, but held the color and grace of her father's genetics. When Eris heard her summons, she lifted her head, a worried feeling in the pit of her stomach. She didn't know why her daughter had called so many, but she had a feeling. Irune was leaving... She just had a feeling. So she would answer the call, pushing herself to her feet she would move towards it, letting out an answering bark to tell her daughter that she was on her way. She prayed that her feelings were wrong- that Irune was just wanting to talk about something she had found but she couldn't shake the sense of dread. What would she do without her? They didn't spend every moment together but at least in Glaciem she was safe.

She arrived in the presence of her daughter, trying to keep herself calm- and loving. Approaching Irune, she'd move in an attempt to place a kiss on her daughters head, before settling beside her to wait for the arrival of the others that she had called. She didn't speak yet, she couldn't trust her words. She simply stared at her daughter, emotions brimming in her eyes- but mostly she wanted to appear understanding. She had to try to understand. Though she could feel her heart breaking.
