
Begin Again



04-07-2014, 11:40 AM
She would listen to her sister, the same neutral pose would keep itself upon her. Even as symphony jumped to get in her face, Song would hold statue still. At mention of Novel though, the woman would retreat, her head bowed and voice calmed. "The last thing I wanted to do was hurt you Symphony. I love you with my whole heart, you and our siblings, mom and dad.. They, you, could never be replaced. The title of sister or mother is given to those who deserve such a title. It's not because I want to replace you. You will always be my sister. I'm sorry I was not there for you the day of Deteste's accusations. I should have come to you then, but I didn't. Right after that was when I fell I'll." her sister would go on to tell he how unaware she had been that song had ever been sick. "We suffered at the same time, your heart sickness and my disease. That was why we were not there for one another in our time of need. And don't think yourself cast off so quickly, sister. Novel has a big heart, you could still teach her again." Novel had been the one to assist in Sumphony's birth after all. Once who did not care for the woman would not have taken such care to ease the birth and brim about life. Her sister would grow silent, hearing the words for the first time. Song's mate was gone, and her heart felt the loss keener than anyone could know. Song would not let such occurrences break her though, she would feel the awful pain so clearly, but she needed to stay strong for her family and her pack. "Symphony, I hold no grudge against you, I will just ask again, will you come home?" she would try and ignore the affection her sister would show her mate, the pain in her heart still fresh. She wanted to cry for her lost husband, she wanted to scream about the unfairness of it all but she could not. She would sit, stoically watching the couple before her.?