
The Walker Family


04-07-2014, 02:01 PM
Name - lior walker (le-or)
Gender - female
Appearance - Lior~

this devish vixen sports a luxuriously thick, velvet, pure coat of black. the fur is only stained by a small dark grey slash across her chest that resembles the letter 'v'. the mark is one of few traits, appearance wise, that the temptress inherited from her father. the only other would be her deep crimson eyes. those dark pools hold a fierceness to them that tend to intimidate most. only those of the same nature as her seem to take those sly orbs as charming.

though menacing in demeanor to most, there is also a uniquely alluring presence to this mysterious woman. her feisty nature and bold tongue illuminate her form with a dark beauty like none other. she stands tall with her head held high and tail evenly balanced with her body; caring not of what others think or say about her.

the body of this temptress is sleek for stealth, but by no means is she starved of nutrition. there are plenty of muscular pounds clinging to that strong structure of hers. she stands reasonably tall for a she-wolf and the weight she posses is distributed evenly throughout her frame? she is a fox in a wolf's body.

tall and muscled. sleek, but not thin.
Personality - fiesty. bold. chaotic neutral.

the vocals that have been bestowed upon this black beauty are ones of deep, but still feminine, measure. they sing with strong notes laced with a seductive tone. the notes command those that are listening to do as they are told with empty promises attached

Rp sample -
