
The World Is Gonna Know Your Name



03-29-2013, 12:52 PM (This post was last modified: 03-29-2013, 04:22 PM by Chrysanthe.)
She watched as the second alpha appeared, this one a female. She was of Tortuga, and she answered her brother's words as well. The male called Collision's words petty, and then proceeded to make excuse after excuse as to why he would not fight. Chrysanthe nearly sighed, but held her tongue, an unreadable expression on her face. What stood out about his words, were that if it were anyone else things would be different. If they were challenging for a different member of their pack, he would react.


The beta watched him for a moment, watched him further belittle her brother's challenge. Apparently defending the wolves within your kingdom, to him, was pathetic. The female in question was not worth his time. Yet she knew a member or two that might be. But did she truly want to push him? Collision certainly didn't seem to mind - and honestly what empire could be built upon the back of a lazy king? Chrysanthe had envisioned Tortuga as their rival of sorts, the foil to their pack built on benevolence. Yet it seemed as if she was wrong.

She wanted to be sure.

"You both call my brother's challenge silly, because he's fighting for a woman you don't want, opposed to his own family." She looked both wolves in the eye then, stopping to stare at the large Tortugan male. "Let me right that wrong, then. I challenge you for my brother, Neo. Unless of course, Kaien, he is not worth your time either." If that were the case, then what was the point of him even being there opposed to Valhalla? When here there was family willing to fight for them, and there he was considered someone expendable and not worth the extra effort?

With that she waited for Kaien's response, ready to pull into her defenses at the tip of a hat. Technically it was his move first, and that would be a good way to gauge some of his abilities. 'Ladies first.' The words taunted within her own head, and she nearly smirked as she stared the male down. This would be an interesting fight for sure.

"Talk like this."

ooc: sorry shrap! Chrys isn't going to sit and watch. It can be as many (or as few) rounds as you want c: