
mirror mirror


04-07-2014, 03:32 PM

ooc;; set after the earthquake I think :) maybe a day or so

She was exhausted, fatigue and weariness evident from lack luster gaze as she studied the sleeping forms of her children. She had held her children hostage for hours, maybe even a full day after the earth had trembled, huddling around them and shaking almost as violently as the earth. She had prayed to the goddess to keep her and her children safe and she had answered. No more then a few bumps and scrapes. But something had changed within her, a little switch being flicked as she had tried to shield all her children with her body rather then just Fia, whispering soothing words to them all unlike before where hushed words were meant for her first borns ears only. She gazed in at her children, most all sleeping soundly but a few shifted and settled. Vi wasn't ready to let them out of her site just yet... "Vivek? My dear come with me..." Forelegs had unfurled, reaching her torso into the den to nuzzle at the miniature version of herself, ushering him awake if he wasn't already. She had come to realize she barely knew her children, barely knew their personalities or their habits aside from her daughters. She wanted to get to know them now and so she would pulled herself back to stand, motioning for her last born son to follow her as she walked a bit further away from the hot springs.