
Stranger [Aria]


03-29-2013, 12:55 PM
Her tail, as thin and porous as it was, flopped lazily upon the dewy grass, twitching, falling still, twitching again and repeating the process, her heavy set jaws would splay wide, tongue curling as a fierce yawn captured the hyena. She was at peace in this terrain so unfamiliar. She was made for dry grasses and a burning sun but the change of pace was nice too. She rolled over onto the grass, lazily drifting in and out of sleep as she lounged the day away. She had long since given up on becoming one with one of these packs.

After spending several months in Talutah she had come to the simple conclusion that wolves were simply bat shit crazy. Onyx eyes glanced about the unfamiliar forest, her stripes and her yellow fur making her stand out like a sore thumb, even a few of the birds and small creatures drew closer out of curiosity. She would bark and they would scare off... it was all great fun.

The scent of a wolf reached her ears, had her audits swiveling behind her. Head tilted to the side, she watched for the creature, whoever they may be. She cared little. Her musculature was thick and heavy in the front, boasting of muscle and power, she gained an advantage being so front heavy when she fought wolves. She opened her jaws wide, a loud, high-pitched, shrill of a bark reverberating through the air as she called the stranger, she was always up for a bit of fun.