
The Will of the Gods [Meeting]

Magnus 1


04-07-2014, 04:12 PM
Ooc: muse-less phone post. Iy sucks but i had to get it up

He lay on his side, far from his den. Far from anyone. The illness that had overcome him was nearly too much to bear. He was so far away because he did not want to pass it on to anyone else. He should have gone to see a healer by now, but he was too weak. He also needed to get food. God he had been a fool. Song's call had stirred him from his slumber. He did not want to attend, but he would have to. He had let his family down enough, he did not want to do the same with his pack. He slowly hauled himself to his feet and begun to move to the source of the noise. Waves of nausea hitting him quite often, hindering his progress. Eventually he reached the clearing in which the meeting was being held. He saw Aurora, they had not spoken in a while, there children basically hated them.the family was being torn apart slowly. He moved forwards to Song, he noticed that Cherokee was gone. He hadn't heard about that. It would be best to get a healer's advice on his illness, so he would need to see Song after the meeting. He tipped his head to her and began to speak, his voice rough and croaky, I apologise for the lack of my presence, i know that i have let everyone down but i have not been- his words were cut short by a rough hacking cough that tore through his frame. He turned his head away, still coughing. When the fir subsided he turned back to her. Sorry. As i was saying, i have contracted an illness of sorts and I would much appreciate it if i could talk to you later about it. I know that i should have seen someone earlier, but i have been rather secluded, things aren't going well. Again, I'm sorry he turned back and headed for the back of the group, he shot Aurora an apologetic look before sitting down far from everyone else. things were not going well for him at all


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