
Last Chance at Ryven Babbus!!


04-07-2014, 04:56 PM
Name change?: Lyre Kigu

Design number: 5

Personality: Lyre will not have many friends, from living with her mother and being under her influence for so long; you can guess how she is. Maybe even a little worse, because she is so bloodthirsty that she would even bite herself, just to get the taste of blood on her tongue. So, when she gets into a lot of fights with the other pups, you can figure out why as fast as she gets into the endless, bloody fights. The feeling of her teeth sinking into the soft flesh of a throat, stomach, back, head, or jugular vein is too much for her, in the loving way. The pup will even torture rabbits whenever she goes hunting, until the fragile ways of the rabbit will end its life, and then she'll start on the body. She will nip the rabbit if it is on its bloody side, so she can drink the blood and lick it off the fur of the rabbit, now without blood. The only thing the pup can ask for is the blood of anything her family catches, and leaves the rest of the body for the family.

The child will detest the life of the one who birthed her, only because she will have an odd attraction to the male who bred with the one. If he ever comes, with the smell of a female; anger. The child will demand who the female is, leave, and come back in blood, announcing gleefully that Jaeger won't be seeing her anymore. Another thing, is that Lyre will be attracted to one of her siblings, a male, and only him; she will follow only him, agree with only him, ask only him questions about life. At one point, the girl will actually flirt with him, saying that he's the most handsome wolf she's ever met, even though her mother doesn't really like males all that much. If Jaeger comes a lot, she won't be as happy to see him, but if he doesn't, then Lyre will be very excited to see what's happened right now.

Lyre is both a spy and a warrior, as she wasn't very able to decide what she wanted to be, being good at spying, too. That is, if the pup doesn't give herself away by complaining about having to run and not fight, and being so dramatic a lot. That's right; Lyre is very over-dramatic about things and likes to gain all the attention, so she complains as loud as she can. But even though she complains, Lyre is very light on her feet, and can be very deceiving about a lot of things. The innocent smile, for example, could lead to another wolf's bloody demise; and by the jaws of a pup, the child of Jaeger, no doubt. In the spy business, Lyre is heartless, even if a male pup likes her. Even if SHE likes the male, she won't let feelings get in the way of her job, whatever it is.

As you can already tell, Lyre is also heartless and merciless in the business of being a warrior, a good warrior. The main reason she is so good in the battlefield, is that she has no mercy, and this will probably make her be feared. She would also go down fighting if she had to, and it might bring down a lot of other wolves along with her, considering her canines. She would easily sink her fangs into the throat of another wolf, and go around killing. The blood of wolves she wants to gravely injure or kill makes her go crazy for a while. She just wants the taste of blood on her tongue, and will fight any other wolf to get it, even the ones of her own side; at this rate, it wouldn't matter. Sometimes during this, Lyre may rip off the ear of a wolf and actually eat it, but this doesn't make her any worse than she is at this point, a berserk in battle.

RP sample: At least 100 words please!