
Dance upon my reveree



04-07-2014, 05:27 PM

Within the fever of his body he would feel her presence as a constant thing, and for as long as she stayed beside him he would be without nightmares. Instead, his dreams where of wolves running across his vision, he could see within them the form of Twig, her gait light and free and without the strain of living that seemed to hold her down in reality. Her purple eyes where a fire and never moved from his face as on she ran. ?Twig? he would murmur her name again, astounded at the lightness in her gait and the open smile that truly changed her features in her joy. He caught also a small figure in white, tiny paws that ate away the earth and he would cry out her name ?Fern come back, come back Fern!? but her pale, full white eyes would only laugh at him and her feet never stilled or faltered as she ran forever more past.

He would twitch within his dreaming, seeing the face of Liberty and her eyes would burn fires of betrayal at him and her steps would move more slowly past him, and all he felt from her was the sense that somehow he had betrayed her. He would see Lyric, her form seemed to waver, like it held within it all her frailty and he was shocked at her translucent form as it flowed across the earth with paws that barely seemed to move.

As the last form would move through he would see... himself, and eyes would look upon in a mirror of blue, and he could see the clarity within them, and could see there was no confusion nor doubt nor all the other things that gripped him in reality. As that last figure would pass him by the fever would break, and with a last murmur, this time of his own name he would settle at last into a dreamless sleep.