
Jump in Bed with Fame


04-07-2014, 09:20 PM

He wanted her, every finer of his being was screaming that he wanted her and thankfully it seemed that she wanted him to. Her body moulded into his side, the warmth of her form making him quiver with desire. A sharp pain stung his shoulder, a small droplet of blood pooling beneath his fur. God that felt good. A rumble rolled up his throat, eyes closing as he enjoyed the feel of the pain and the desire mingling and mixing in his skull. Everything about this was so different from anything he had ever experienced before, far different then what he and Secret had had. Though he had loved her in his own way there had never been the attraction to go along with it like there was here, after the first time they had slept together it had always been a co parenthood thing rather then a mate thing. Not much different then how he was helping Vi raise her children now.

His name dropped from her tongue, so soft her could barely hear it as he relaxed into the feel of her. She was everything he wanted in a woman, everything that he wanted in his life. "Cataleya?" He murmured into her neck, continuing along her neck and spine with his teeth. He wanted her. A paw would lift, draping over her back suggestively, allowing her to feel his weight and shrug him off if she so chose. If she did not he would lift himself over her, slipping onto her back while paws gripped her waist and teeth nibbled their way down her spine. She was all he wanted.

-fade to black-
