
I'm Here With Out You


04-08-2014, 04:59 AM

He hated seeing her this way, though it was the first time he had seen her as such. When their mother died, he had managed to keep her from the views of most of their siblings, ushering them away from Clan lands as their senile brother rampaged and destroyed everything he could. He didn't know what it was like to lose a child, but he knew what it felt like to lose a Mother. His sister, he knew, was devastated about the loss of her first child, no matter how she had attained it. And it was Erani's words that rang in his head from earlier, for it was not the childs fault that she had been born. Jinxx had to admit, she was a beautiful little girl. Fragile looking, like the fronds of a fern gently lit upon by morning dew. He sighed quietly, pressing himself against his sisters form as his ears fell back against his head. "Ashley, nothing can bring back what once was and what once had been. You have no idea how much I wish Mother could be here with us now, I miss her terribly..." He would lie beside her, wrapping her form in his as he licked away the tears. He wished there was more he could do for her, it broke his heart to see her this way.

He wrapped his head over her neck, hoping that the touch would show that he was here for her no matter how much she was hurting. They were family, after all. She was his sister, and he would be there for her no matter what. "We cannot undo what has happened, we can only make the best of them..." He sat in thought for a moment, wondering if he should tell her what he saw. She had borne a beautiful daughter, truly from the lineage of their family. "She was beautiful, you know. I am sad that my first niece is not with us, but if we pray for her, she will visit us in our dreams. You're her mother, and you always will be. Take comfort in knowing that although she isn't here, she won't have to suffer the hardships of the ugly things. She won't know about Lunatik, or the cruel things he did...she's in a beautiful place. She's with Mother now, and I know Mother will take good care of her."

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