
Power Trip


04-08-2014, 12:49 PM
OOC: Basilisk, Kylar, Meinx, Neios, Daegmar, Hati, and Usige all MUST post here. Since the Narfi/Kaneya spar has not been judged, they can be vague on their ranks, one will take Duchess and the other will take Comte.

I know all the spars aren't complete yet and Cat hasn't gotten a chance to award ranks, so this is a preview ;) I want to get everyone active in their jobs so others can call meetings for their wolves and can accept members.

Crown would lift, a call echoing in the forest. She needed her ranking members. There was much she needed to speak with them about. They needed to know the rules she would be implementing. Haunches would drop the earth, tail curling around herself as she waited. The spars had been successful, everyone deserving had received a rank.

Her mind had been working endlessly, her numbers had been steadily growing, and now it was time for wolves to work to enter her pack. She would not take in just anyone. But her higher ranking members needed to know. Basilisk needed to know as well, she would be thoroughly disappointed if he failed to show again. The Monarch would wait for Duke and Duchess, her Conseiller and Agressuer, and her Marquis, Comte and Baron. Everyone had received their ranks already. And now it was time for them to get to work and start pulling their weight.

She knew all her wolves would answer promptly, they had been the always to always show up first at each and every meeting she had called, she was certain they would excel in their jobs as well. Audits twitted, listening for the sounds of their approaching, already she could hear them moving towards her.