



7 Years
04-08-2014, 12:51 PM

Falk?s presence was like a fresh ray of light. She hadn?t felt like this in a long time? In fact, this particular brand of joy was new. She felt fulfilled, ready to take on the world, and maybe even Isardis himself. Of course, she wasn?t an idiot. She wouldn?t really do that. Falk?s words reminded her that she had a story to tell. So she gathered her thoughts, and sent herself back in time. How about since the last time they saw each other! That would work.

?Alright. I?ll start with after you went back to Taurig, the last time we saw each-other. Chrysanthe called a meeting, and told the pack we?d be moving to Nephilim Island. But, No one realized Mother was very ill. So, when the pack moved, I and my cousin Alsander stayed with her for a time, helping her get well again. I was scared she wouldn?t survive, but, Mother is a tougher wolf. She pulled through, and I went to the pack in time for a meeting Chrysanthe called.

?She told me to take some wolves back here, so I took my Cousins, Caerul, Cael, and Cael?s mate Imena, and my niece, Odette; Chrysanthe adopted her a while back. She?s a wonderful young wolf, full of fire and determination, but very sweet. Anyway, we made sure Mother was guarded, and Chrysanthe came along to visit, too. So I was going back and forth, doing my duties as Beta, and keeping my eye on Mother. Then the storm hit. I was okay, staying with Mother, and it didn?t really hit the plains all that hard. Nephilim Island was hit worse. We had some injuries, and I?m not quite sure, but one of our members either died or went missing? I hadn?t gotten the details on that??
She trailed off slightly, wondering if that made her a bad Beta, that she didn?t even know if one of the members she was sworn to protect was dead or alive.

For a pensive moment, she pondered that, then went on. ?Mother got better, so I could go back to being at the pack full time. Alsander took up for me, but Mother could defend herself by then. And then?? Her eyes narrowed. ?One of Isardis? little pets challenged for Valhalla. Artemis won, Falk? Took Azalea?s kids, Soren and Kismet. I don?t care if Isardis is their sire. He?s no father to them. All they are is yet another trophy to pump his ego. One of our members, Seraphine, Challenged him for Glaciem, but you can guess how that went. Last I saw her, she had a blinded eye, and she acted like we were dirt.? A soft sigh whispered through her nostrils.

Then on to happier subjects. ?I didn?t know what we were going to do. But Mother did. And my uncle is back! Mother? you haven?t seen my mother when she?s that pissed? She left the Battlefield, and we followed. At Nephilim Island, she called the pack, and took over control. I think she was born for this. She brought us home, and we have four territories including this one. I haven?t seen Valhalla looking so alive in a while. It really shows how strong we truly are. We can get back up from a defeat, and hold our heads high, because we survived, and we have honor.? Her mismatched blue and gold gaze turned up to him. ?What does Isardis have. A territory full of females, and too many children to possibly give attention to at once. My uncle told me he ran across one of the bastard?s members, emaciated and ill, injured in one eye. What King doesn?t check in on all of his pack, and make sure they?re all fed and cared for??

Her hackles bristled with indignation, and she rolled her shoulders to lower them, settling against Falk?s chest, listening to the steady drum of his heartbeat. ?We have three Allies. Ludicael, Ebony, and Olympus, though no one has come back to say yes or no about the alliance between us yet, so I should hold my breath. We had a Mating Ceremony. Ashtoreth and Leon, finally. I can hardly wait to see their first litter.? Her tail wagged happily. ?We have two pups already, from Friction and Eria. Oh Falk, their son is the bravest little wolf I?ve ever seen. He?s the one who broke his leg in the earthquake. When the earth opened up, he fell in, and I and Alpine went in after him. My leg was gashed, and Alpine?s ribs got cracked.?

An involuntary shudder went through her at the thought of the terrifying day. ?He was so scared, and hurt, but all he could think about was us getting out of there, and he was ready to make us leave to get help if it meant we wouldn?t be hurt worse. Alpine stayed behind, and I managed to get out and get help. We got them out a day later. That is what real courage truly is. He?s going to he a great warrior when he grows up. I think I may train him as my replacement, if he shows the right potential.? She just hoped the boy kept his promising potential. He would be a fine wolf. His sister was showing interest in hunting, thank goodness.

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Surreal's family is allowed to crash any thread she is in, regardless of it being private or not.