Curiosity may kill the cat, but it certainly was no picnic for the wolf. The Queen of Glaciem had found herself interested in the great pits that had opened up during the earthquake. One in particular wasn't very far from Glaciem, and she had found herself drawn to it and ultimately into its depths. The tunnels were long, dark, and bleak - but they led to areas she found interesting and worth exploring. It didn't take her all that long to come across a river of molten rock. Precariously - and quite foolishly - she would find herself standing at its' edge, peering over and down while it flowed sluggishly below her. Her heart leapt at how beautiful it was, how majestic - but her mind told her that she was an idiot for standing so close. Immediately she backed away, following the river as it wound deeper into the underground. There was a point where it stalled and then leapt over a small precipice, creating a rock waterfall. As she passed it the river splashed up to meet her, gnawing furiously at the flesh on her right front paw. She screamed in agony, fleeing from the edge of the river and toward the wall of the cavern. Slowly the heat ebbed away, but the pain remained hot and angry. Furiously she shook her paw, but the molten rock had already fled. She collapsed to the earth in pain, whimpering and lapping at her paw repeatedly - to no avail. The battle queen had experienced more than one injury in the past, and was familiar with pain - but this sort of agony was like none she'd ever known before. Her flesh and her mind screamed, and there was nothing she could do.